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Support to Anita

Maternity Aid Program

Brief Description

Our hearts soaked in sorrow, tears running down our face, as we listened to the despairing story of Anita .As hard as we tried, it was just an impossible task to hold back our tears.
Anita’s story is one that will send shivers down your spine considering how dire her situation was. Fortunately, the Maternal Aid Program (MAP), under the auspices of Code Nation 1957 and partner black birth justice including donors made a timely intervention. Anita who had lost hope and left to her fate finally found a reason to be smile again. She beamed with joy because MAP came through for her when all hope was lost.
Anita story is not an exception. Code Nation 1957 will ensure mothers facing similar unfortunate situation receive the necessary support and intervention. We wish to extend this support to as many as possible.

Kind Regards,

In Progress

Below are some of the projects related to the Maternity Aid Program

Support to a crying mother

This mother was discovered at the hospital, unable to pay for her medical bills, with no support from her family.

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