Support to Anita Code57@dm1n February 27, 2024 Our hearts soaked in sorrow, tears running down our face, as we listened to the despairing story of Anita .As…
Lioness visit young mother who had bills settled and discharged from hospital Code57@dm1n August 2, 2023 Lioness visit young mother who had bills settled and discharged from hospital Health Ministry CODe57 Health Ministry Photos CODE57 Health
Medical bills settled for mothers at the hospital Code57@dm1n August 2, 2023 Medical bills settled for mothers at the hospital Health Ministry CODe57 Health Ministry In April 2023 we made a shocking
Code57 Discovery Code57@dm1n June 15, 2023 Code57 discovered and reward few businesses owners for their entrepreneurship skills and hardwork
Central Tongu School Visit Code57@dm1n June 11, 2023 The Code57 Education Ministry Visit a school in Central Tongu...
Ahafo Region School Code57@dm1n June 8, 2023 The Code57 Education Ministry Visit a school in the Ahafo Region of Ghana ...
Tema Community 5 School Code57@dm1n June 6, 2023 The Code57 Education Ministry Visit a school in Tema Community 5...
Lioness Educating Students Code57@dm1n June 6, 2023 Lioness holds an event for SHS students in Accra...
Croxout Hunger Food Bank Code57@dm1n June 5, 2023 The Social Intervention Ministry of Code57 feeds people on the street during COVID-19 pandemic
Portable water project Bimbilla Code57@dm1n June 1, 2023 Code57 in partnership with siblings keeper whose founder is LaToya Samuels is providing portable drinking water for the Bimbilla community…